4 Questions Parents Must Ask When Choosing an ABA Provider

Ok I lied. It’s not really 4 questions; more like 4 broad category of questions that will empower a parent to navigate this daunting process of selecting an ABA provider for their child. Additionally, it helps a parent lose the inhibition about asking questions to their service provider. As a caregiver to someone who is diagnosed with Autism, you have the responsibility, and more importantly, the right to assess the competence of your child’s service provider. 

So let's get started.

Question #1: Who are you? 

Request to learn more about the qualification and experience of the ABA provider. 

  • Who will provide the service and what are their credentials?

  • Where was their training?

  • What is their experience?

The BACB (Behavior Analyst Certification Board) certifies professionals from all over the world, as ABA practioners upon completion of their coursework and practical training under a mentor. You have either completed this training or not!!

Question #2: Are you any good?

There are a gazillion treatments and providers available out there. Some good and some questionable. Some have years of research backing their practice, while some are anecdotal and hearsay. Some have benefitted children to be independent, whereas others have unfortunately harmed them. Along with the extensive online research and asking the pediatrician for referrals, a parent can reach out to other parents for feedback. Other parents who are in the same boat, will provide unconditional and honest feedback. Ask the families: 

  • What improvements have they seen in their child? 

  • What do they like about the therapist? 

  • What would they change about the therapist?

Question #3: What will you teach?

An integral component of any intervention is to have a system of skill assessment and progress monitoring. Random goal selection and subjective evaluations suggest a haphazard approach. There are several tools available to help professionals for this purpose. Enquire about:

  • How will the goals be selected? 

  • What assessments will be used?

  • Will my child's goals be shared with me?

  • How will progress be assessed and monitored? 

Question #4: What’s the vibe? 

Meet with your service provider to assess if their work philosophies match with yours.

  • Does this relationship allow an open dialogue? 

  • Do your questions and concerns have a place? 

  • How involved can you be in the process? Can you observe the sessions?

  • How can they empower you? Are parent trainings or workshops a part of their philosophy?

Voice your opinion- it’s your child's development on the line.


Science, or a bag of tricks?


Applied Behavior WHAT???